VitaPizza and Football

Tony made me one of his signature breakfasts on Saturday – breakfast burritos!  So good, but one was plenty, so the dog got to share with me.

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Saturday after Tony and I got back from the grocery store, I was a cleaning fool.  I did two loads of laundry, deep cleaned the bathroom and deep cleaned my kitchen.  I was non-stop for about two hours, but I love the feeling when you get done cleaning!

I had no energy or desire to go to the gym, so I didn’t.  I kept feeling guilty though, because I challenged myself to Play 60 for the month of February, and there is was February 2 and I wasn’t keeping up with my promise.

Dinner Saturday was delicious – Nicole’s chicken marsala pasta.  My sauce never thickened up, but it was still tasty.

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We’ve been feeding the squirrels on our deck.  First I tried Cherrios, they didn’t like that too much.  I started tossing them sliced almonds, they love those, but no way I am going to give expensive almonds to a squirrel!  I had a batch of granola though that I wasn’t particularly happy with, so I started throwing that out to them.  Guess what they loved?  Dried bananas!

Tony has called this one Lyle – although truth be told we could have five different squirrels come to the window, but they are all Lyle to us.  We’d look out the window and say “Lyle, you’ve got snow on your face!”  Yep, we live large here. Open-mouthed smile

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Last week I had the opportunity to get a new product from Vitalicious.  I knew this company from the Vita Muffin Tops that are super popular in the WW world before they started costing more points – I think each one was only 1 or 2 points?

Anyway, they sent me their new product:

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What was interesting was that you could bake these in the oven, toaster oven or microwave.  You guys know what a pizza snob I am, so I decided to bake it and follow the directions for a crispy crust – bake at 425 for 10 minutes.

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At first glance, I though “it looks like it needs more sauce.”  And it had mushrooms on it, which I normally don’t care for, but I left them on.  I baked it for exactly 10 minutes.

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The crust was crispy, which I loved but I thought it was lacking in flavor.  Everything kind of tasted the same.  That being said – for a 190 calorie pizza it’s good – I would buy this again but use it as a base and add some more sauce, veggies and cheese.

Of course, no weekend is now complete without me making Artisan bread.   My SIL and her family look forward to the bread each week which makes me happy.

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Yesterday was Tony’s happiest day and saddest day of the year – It’s the Superbowl (happy!) but now he has 8 months to wait for the next season (sad).

We had chips and guacamole, cheese and crackers and I made Hooter’s buffalo shrimp.

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Since all I had to eat before the big game was the 190 calorie pizza, I ate like there was no tomorrow.  I put the guac next to me, and just grabbed chip after chip not even paying attention to what I was doing. Gah!  What the hell happened to me this weekend?  I didn’t work out yesterday either too. Sad smile

Well, all I can do is dust myself off, and get back on track.  I have my meals planned out, and just need to put my workout clothes together and I am all set.  We got more snow over night – probably another inch or so, so I have to get my ass moving and scrape off the car.

The football game was exciting though – and I was happy for Beth and her husband Noel who are huge Raven’s fans! 

Make it a great day!

41 thoughts on “VitaPizza and Football

  1. I love that you are feeding Lyle! So cute!

  2. I also spent quite a bit of time cleaning, and it felt good!

    Don’t worry about not exercising and eating a bit too much. Today is a new day!

  3. Poor Lyle in the snow…I think Tony should make the squirrels a little house to shelter them! Keep those squirrel pics coming – you know I love them! 🙂

    Sometimes wonky weekends happen. Today’s a new day – hit the healthy eating and exercise hard, woman!

  4. I have been slacking big time on the exercise front, getting back on track today!!

  5. Hey Biz! Why did Tony decide to name him “Lyle?” Haha. I like it, though.
    Don’t worry! Just get back on track this week and on your moderation motto. I’ve always considered the Superbowl to be an American holiday so it makes sense that one would indulge in plenty of snacks. I hope this weekend doesn’t discourage you because you’re doing SO great so far!

  6. I didn’t watch the game because we canceled cable last year. I usually like the watch the game and have good game-foods and beer. So, no TV. I made stir-fry with rice and meatballs. Drank water. Didn’t win anything in the office pool. Bummer.

    I’m a Steelers fan, and we apparently hate the Ravens. I left the DC area right after the Ravens started, so I never bought into all that. And now I live in Cali, so I was rooting for the 49ers.

  7. Instead of almonds try peanuts…not that i’m suggesting you feed wild animals…haha!

  8. OMG Lyle is so cute I can’t even stand it! I had such a hard time keeping food out of my mouth yesterday….and I wasn’t even really hungry to boot. Oh well – today is a new day, right?

  9. Guacamole is always hard for me to portion control. It’s just too good!! 🙂

  10. Every single time I try something like that pizza, I regret it. I can make my own – even make a lower calorie one – that tastes so much better!!

  11. I didn’t know they even made a pizza. Must be something new.
    YUM to the shrimp and bread.

    Yeah, things got a little crazy with the Sunday eats here too. Oh well. Today is a new day, right? Back on the wagon. 🙂

  12. The month has just started, plenty of time to make it a great one. I found a breakfast WW recipe that I’m trying soon.

  13. Don’t beat yourself up about it, we all have bad days. I had a bad day yesterday too! Like you said, just get back on track today. 🙂 I must admit that pizza doesn’t look that fabulous … I like lots of sauce!

  14. I love that you plan to use that pizza to make a real pizza!
    It sounds like you had a great weekend, so don’t stress about the other stuff. Life’s too short!
    I’ve been reading your blog on my iPhone for a few months and didn’t realized you changed the design. Yay for having internet again!

  15. Mmmmm, breakfast burritos, so good!! They look amazing. 🙂 You can get back on track!! 🙂

  16. I would totally feed that squirrel if it came to my door, my kids would love it! Guess what my son had for breakfast this morning? A hamburger! He had one at about 4pm (yesterday, Superbowl), one at 8:30 pm and one for breakfast today, bun, cheese, ketchup and all. I made the hamburger buns which were AWESOME! So easy, definitely doing that again.

    But the spaz that I am I doubled the recipe on Allrecipes, and then forgot I did and doubled it again when making them. So 18 cups of flour later………………. I put some of the dough in the freezer and hope to make cinnamon rolls with it later this week.

    Of course my kitchen aid couldn’t accommodate 18 cups of flour so I had to get a big ol’ tin bucket I use for mixing my Christmas caramel corn. Doh!!!! (literally) 🙂

    • My sisters kids prefer dinner stuff for breakfast too! That is too funny – I don’t think I have a bowl big enough for 18 cups of flour! Sam’s club sells bread flour in 25 pound bags for only $8 – I love it!

      Love all your thrift store finds – woop!!

  17. They loved your granola!! Who wouldn’t? I am going to make those hooters shrimp some day- they look amazing!!

  18. Aawww…’s okay to have a “fat day” every now and then, don’t beat yourself up about it. Breakfast looks really good. Will have to try that pizza when I see it at the store.

    Question, how do you get on a list to try new products that come to your house???? That would be fun to do I think.

    That bread is the best, been adding ground flax seed….hopefully that makes the bread healthy.

    Have a great week.

    PS I think Lyle just likes to watch you cook!!!!

    • Louise, I wish I knew – but apparently they find me from the blog. Chobani, Cabot Cheese, Wholly Guacamole and now Vitalicious have all sent me products – and O Olive Oil too!

  19. I ate like a crazy person all weekend. Not sure why, but I’m back on the healthy train today! Here’s to a good week!

  20. I don’t even like football, and I found myself watching and enjoying the game as much as the commercials this year!

    Awe…Lyle. Poor lyle. Too cold and snowy. I think we have about 10 lyle’s in my backyard, they keep digging up all the nuts they buried in the fall.

  21. Stop the guilt, Biz! It gets you nowhere! Besides, by the time of this comment you already killed a stair workout. 🙂

  22. Lyle is really cute. We have never had a frozen pizza that we really liked. Actually, we’ve pretty much given up on pizza except maybe once every two years. I’ve tried making my own low cal version using a pita bread but it is not real pizza. 🙂

  23. Those shrimp look great! I’ve been craving “buffalo” things lately.

    I find that low-fat foods often lack flavor. I’d rather eat more calories in moderation (i.e. 1 slice instead of 3) if it means I get the good tasting stuff!

  24. aw, i wish i had a lyle to keep me company, lol! too cute! that breakfast burrito is making me mourn my sad little boiled egg this morning, i’m going to make those next time! love the superbowl treats!

  25. I have given up on the frozen pizzas. They are okay, but I would rather have the real stuff less often.

    Go to the feed store and get sunflower seeds for the squirrels. Not the black oil ones, but the big ones with the stripey shell. They are cheap and squirrels like them – not to mention the cardinals!

  26. I bought a frozen pizza a couple of weeks ago and ask my husband if it was good just before grabbing a piece. He said it probably tastes like canned dog food. Needless to say, I didn’t even try a piece…lol!!! Lyle is so cute!! Those shrimp looks great. I printed that recipe but, have yet to try it. I have a pile of recipes.

  27. Never heard of that pizza before but it actually looks quite delicious!

  28. I’m a huge 49er fan so I was bummed 😦

    My dog doesn’t get table food – he’s a bad enough lurker as it is!

  29. It looks pretty good! I would probably take it to work to eat but if I was eating at home I’d rather make my own. I was pleasantly surprised when I took a frozen panini to work and it was pretty tasty 🙂 Of course nothing compare to what Tony can cook!!

  30. Who cares about football being over when there’s hockey on again?! 😉

  31. I cannot wait to make those buffalo shrimp. They look great. Thanks for the VitaPizza review. They are pretty pricey at my grocery store and I always pass them over, not knowing how they taste.

  32. Guac is definitely something that I cannot walk away from either, so tasty. I had a similar too bland pizza recently and it totally bummed me out because I LOVE pizza and rarely get it for myself.

  33. Does Tony add anything to the scrambled eggs when they’re cooking? They look so much fluffier than mine always turn out.

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