200,000+ Views = Awesome Giveaway!

Wow!  Now I know that number isn’t big to some blogs, but it is to me! 😀  In fact, last February, Tony did a guest post for hitting my 40,000 view – it took me nearly seven months to get that number, and now I’ve gotten 160,000 since then!

One thing that pushed me to start this blog (other than my sister copying my recipes 😀 ) was that after I told my co-worker (the one I share my food with) that I started a food blog for my recipes she said “finally you are sharing yourself with the world!”

A huge thank you goes out to my husband and kids, who put up with my “me” time of blogging.  I am proud to say that they are no longer embarrassed when I whip out my camera in a restaurant, and they are patient when I am trying to take “just one more picture” of dinner before we eat! 😀

That being said, I have cherished all the people I have “met” whether it be in person or not.  This is such a wonderful community of people, and I am glad Tony can finally realize that I am not the only one who thinks about food 24/7!

In this past year:

My friend Shelley has completed one full year of training with professional trainers, and all her hard work has paid off!  She is a daily inspiration to me.

My friend Lara and her husband moved back to her beloved hometown in California from London – it was such a ride to wait for her husband to get his Visa to get here, but they are finally settling in on their married life, after a wonderful first anniversary trip to Italy (okay, a bit jealous of that!)

My friend Meghann started dating Derek this past year – I’ll never forget in my January 2009 post I asked people to comment on what their resolutions were for the year – she said “to date more!”  I think she’s accomplished that, oh, and she’s got a couple marathons under her belt too! 😀  (and just recently turned 25 – ah, so young!)

And my friends Cathy and Robin Sue – both amazing cooks in their own right and whose photography is amazing.   These were the first food blogs of people (ahem!) my age and I was thrilled to find both of them!

And I get a kick out of K and her writing style and the way she repeats her eats – mostly English muffins with cottage cheese (with the occasional hot sauce sprinkled on!) and lots of peppers and mushrooms in pitas!  I always call myself her blog mutti, because she’s young enough to be my daughter!

And I watched Jen hit her 100 pound weight loss almost 2 years to the date she started her weight loss journey.  Her plan was to use a sledge hammer to crush her scale!  Sadly, the night before her final weigh in, she lost her Mom in a freak car accident.  She’s still struggling with that loss and her Mom’s birthday was this past Wednesday, which makes it exceptionally hard.  But she sticks with it, has her good days and bad – very inspiring the way she’s trying to move on!

And my friend Judy is struggling with her son’s impending brain surgery.  I still want to do a virtual blogger bake sale for her, but I am waiting for her nod.  Hugs that everything works out well with the surgeon Judy!

And I absolutely love the writing styles of these three ladies!  You have to check them out if you haven’t already!

The Kitchen Witch, The Water Witch’s Daughter, and In Praise of Leftovers. You guys are amazing writers!!

The point I am trying to make is that even though I haven’t met these incredible women, my life is that much more enriched for knowing them.

I am so grateful for everyone who takes time out of their day to read what I have to say, laugh when I set the smoke detectors off when I cook, or just say nice things about how a particular dish looks – it means a lot!

But, I have also met these ladies in real life!  Know what the best part is about that?  Since we “know” so much about each other because of our respective blogs, its like having lunch with an old friend!

So thanks for taking time to meet with me this past year: Mel (and J!), Christina, Michelle and Mara!

Okay, enough of the gushy stuff – let’s get to the Loot!

William of Eat Smart Products graciously has offered their company’s nutritional food scale.  This thing is amazing!

This is the mother of all food scales!  First of all – it retails for $75! Here are some of the wonderful features:

The only scale on the market which analyzes the nutritional content of food by portion size for both labeled and unlabelled foods.

The EatSmart Scale will instantly calculate the following cardiovascular nutrients essential for overall wellbeing:

  • Calories / Carbohydrates / Fiber
  • Sodium / Potassium / Magnesium
  • Total Fat / Saturated Fat / Cholesterol
  • Calcium / Protein / Vitamin K

The scale has two operating modes (find instructions here):

  1. Database – Internal database stores nutritional values for approximately 1,000 whole foods, including most fruits, vegetables, meats and other fresh foods Americans actually eat!
  2. EatSmart Nutrition Facts Calculator – Proprietary algorithm allows you to calculate nutrients for any food with a USDA Nutrition Facts label. One of a kind!

Isn’t that awesome??  But wait – there is more!

Hannah won a raffle at the community college open house – a 1 GB iPod shuffle!  Since she has an iPod already, and she is Type A and doesn’t like the fact that you don’t know what song is coming on next, she has donated it to this giveaway – thanks Hannah!  The retail value is: $45!

But wait, there is more!

I have to DVR Robin Miller because I love her idea of taking one item and morphing it into meals later in the week.  I never know when her show is on so its hit or miss!  But you could win this cookbook!

I got this at Tuesday Morning of all places - never checked out their cookbook section before - total steal at $4.99!

But wait, there’s more! Yep, I am finally going to part with some of my cooking magazines.  I’ve copied the recipes I needed, so now you can see what a magazine whore I am.  And sadly, these aren’t all of them! 😀

But wait, there’s more! Okay what Biz giveaway would it be if you didn’t get a bottle of this?

So how do you enter? Simply leave me a comment on what your favorite song is that gives you inspiration when you need it – whether to finish the last mile on a race, or just walking around your neighborhood.

For an extra entry, link back to this giveaway, and send me an email at bdl319@gmail.com letting me know you did so I know to enter you twice.  The giveaway runs from this Friday morning until midnight on Monday, February 15.  I’ll announce the winner on Tuesday’s post.

Good luck and thanks again for such a wonderful year! 😀

I’ll leave you with my Clean Eating Mac N Cheese I made last night – so good!

the perfect bite with Frank's hot sauce!

108 thoughts on “200,000+ Views = Awesome Giveaway!

  1. I’m bookmarking that mac and cheese recipe. It looks awesome!

  2. Great giveaway! I think my fave is KT Tunstall’s “Suddenly I See”. It always gets me pumped up so I can keep going.

    (and a side note – can’t wait to try your recently posted buffalo chicken chili – it’s on the menu for next week. YUM!)

  3. I love your recipes and have made many of them with great success! Congrats on your increased popularity!

    One of my favorite work out songs right now is Pink’s “So What” it just gets me going!

  4. Congrats girl! 🙂

    That is one heck of a giveaway! 🙂 One song that really gets me moving is ‘Throw It On Me’ by Timbaland – great beat!!

  5. OMG! I feel like I just entered a Publisher’s Clearinghouse sweepstakes!

    I have too many favorite songs that get me through workouts, but one of the songs I’ve been listening to quite a bit lately is Dolly Parton’s “9 to 5.” My spin instructor used it in a mix last week and it’s been stuck in my head ever since! It’s got a good beat and it makes me giggle. I especially love the first few lines:
    Tumble out of bed
    and stumble to the kitchen
    Pour myself a mug of ambition

    BTW, that mac and cheese looks amazing! May have to make it this weekend 🙂

  6. Wow & congrats on the number!
    We thoroughly enjoy reading your recipes & viewing your photos so thank your family for us as well. 🙂

    Favorite song to get me going…When I’m running I listen to this podcast from Podrunner that has some vocals at around midpoint that say ‘push it, push it, you can push it harder’ …which sounds more obscene now that I’m typing it LOL but it happens at right at the time when I’m feeling near death & it gets me to power through.

    Inspirational song to get up & move – Pump It, Black Eyed Peas
    I know, my husband shakes his head at me in shame but I like a lot of their stuff…and as long as it is on my iPod then no one else has to know. Well, except you & anyone else who reads this comment. lol

    Have a great weekend,

  7. Wow, what a giveaway, Biz! Congrats on your views! I love coming to see what delicious food you make and I can’t thank you enough for the No-Rise Pizza Dough recipe!

    My favorite song to keep me going during a run is Stronger by Kanye West. “That that won’t kill me, can only make me stronger…” So true! LOL!

  8. Great Loot!!!!

    My favorite song to pick me up is “New Attitude” by Patti LaBelle!

    And of course, our favorite, Man in the Mirror by Michael Jackson!

  9. This is crazy and it’s an old one, but it does it for me(must be the beat) no matter what I need to be picked up from…….”Run Through The Jungle” by Creedence Clearwater Revival. Love me some mac and cheese!

  10. Great giveaway! My inspirational song is by Casting Crowns- “I’ll Praise You in this Storm”. (I think thats the name) Love it and its great when going through trials.

  11. Oh course I’m entering this giveaway because you have THE best prizes EVER!!!!! I’d love the kitchen scale, recipes, and muhahaha HOT SAUCE. 🙂

    My favorite motivational song is definitely Kelly Clarkson – My life would suck without you. TOO catchy even though the lyrics aren’t the best. hahaha

  12. Congratulations!!
    I have to say New Shoes On by Paolo Nutini really make me smile when i’m outside walking. Love that song!!

  13. Congratulations on stepping out. And thanks for the compliment 🙂

    It’s really tough to pick a favorite song…Lately, especially since it’s Valentine’s Day, I’ve been listening to Brandi Carlile’s version of Bryan Adam’s “Heaven.” So nostalgic 🙂

  14. You’ve made me all teary-eyed this morning, Biz! Congratulations on the ginormous amount of views – you have kept your blog so fresh and interesting that it’s always fun to check and see what you are up to. Thanks for sharing so much of your life with us, from your love story with Tony, to giving Hannah her first car, to the swanky dinners/movies at Joe’s workplace, not to mention the emails…I really feel like I’ve gotten to know you and DO call you my friend!

    And what a fantastic giveaway! You are beyond generous!!!

    OK, while I really don’t listen to music (of my choosing; Brad has his own playlist for us) while I workout, I have to say that what really gets me itching to run is Superchick’s Anthem.

    Hope you stay warm and dry and have a wonderful day! Now I’m off to find some Kleenex. ::sniff::

  15. I don’t really have a favorite song. I listen to music when I exercise, but I am usually “thinking” so much that I don’t pay attention to the music. I have a bad habbit of tuning things out. I think it is because I have 5 kids. It is the only way I can survive! That mac n cheese looks so gooey and yummy!!!

  16. Congratulations! And – Chumbawumba – “Tubthumping.”

    You can probably throw that leftover “One Square Meal” bar into the box of loot, too.

  17. Congrats and what an awesome giveaway! Right now we love all the “Songs from the Heart” on the new Celtic Woman album.

  18. fitandfortysomething

    How exciting to have hit that number! I can’t wait for that too. I get little excitements everyday when I see more readers……

    My fave workout song right now is Empire State of Mind by Jay z and ALeisha Keyes-it helps me run FAST!

    I enjoyed reading your post today!

    Have a great day and oh yes your mac and cheese looks yummy!

  19. Congrats! I have a long way to go before 200,000 views and I know I’ll be super pumped when (and if) it happens!

    Ammmazzzing giveaway!!

    My fave song is “Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots” by the Flaming Lips. It doesn’t matter what’s wrong in my life, this song always makes me smile and do a silly dance.

  20. Oh! Thanks for the shout-out today and congrats on 200,000! Awesome!

    I’m really glad to have stumbled on your blog this year; I really enjoy it.

    Speaking of awesome, that mac and cheese looks…wow.

    I love Pink, also. She gets me going! And Fergie, too.

  21. I would have to say anything from the Mamma Mia! soundtrack 🙂 I hope I win…this is such a great giveaway and it’s great to see how another diabetic does day-to-day NORMAL eating!

  22. Congrats!

    I listen to Chromeo’s Fancy Footwork. It makes me want to dance all the time!

  23. *tears up* Beautiful post, Biz!! I feel the exact same way about the food community!

    Too cool about the food scale! I was just thinking about getting one last night and looking around. I would like to keep better track of the grades of our meals like you’ve been doing the past few weeks. This way I could weigh out and grade ea. recipe and then print it out for further use if it passes! hehe

    Hmm my favorite song to pump me up?! Not that I’m a big exerciser or anything, but I’m going to be EXCEPTIONALLY cheesy and say the Rocky song b/c I always visualize him running up the steps in Philly and it feels empowering. Yes, I’m a cheesy out-dated freak, but I admit it!! 😛

  24. Food scale ahhhh! So exciting. Keeping my fingers crossed…

    Someone already said it, but “Stronger” by Kanye West is my pump-it-up song! Plus it’s really long (5 minutes-ish) so it is good for a boost of energy in the last 5 min or so of cardio.

  25. Congrats on 200,000 views! I read your blog daily from work and always stare at your pics wondering why, oh why, I never got any cooking skillz and everything I make comes out charred black but raw in the middle. One day I’ll be at least an okay chef, I hope!

    That giveaway is awesome! The food scale looks so high tech…fancy! My favoritest song ever is called Everlong by the Foo Fighters. It’s the only song I can listen to all the time and never get tired of. Plus, it’s the only song I can get 100% on when I play Guitar Hero! 🙂

  26. Congratulations on so many views!! That is definitely something to be proud of and I’m not at all suprised – your photos and recipes are droolworthy. You’re the type of blogger who I wish lived next door – not only so I could bug you all the time and eat all your dishes, but also b/c you are such a fun, creative, caring, and interesting woman!! 🙂

    What an AWESOME giveaway – WOW!! You are really gonna hook someone up good!! My favorite motivational song would have to be Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves! It’s always the song that I play in my head when I’m in a sad mood and it always perks me up and puts a little more swagger in my step, haha! 😉

    Have a good weekend, Biz!! 🙂

  27. i’m so happy that i’ve had the chance to “meet” you! i always enjoy reading about your day and your amazing recipes. plus, i have a great picture on my wall thanks to you! keep it up, all of it!

    and don’t laugh, but i’m really loving “tik tok” by kesha. it makes me dance like a fool when i’m in the kitchen! great giveaway!

  28. Thanks for the shout out and congrats on 200,000 views!

    My favorite song of the moment is Bad Romance by Lady Gaga. I can’t get it out of my head!

  29. Wow what a year! congrats on the views!!
    and congrats to hannah on the giveaway ipod! sooo awesome!

    that mac and cheese looks fantastic and I would certainly agree that franks red hot is a perfect accompaniment ( although high in salt! its delish)

  30. wow! congrats on 200,000 — i think that’s a lot!!! my favorite pump up song at the moment is Rock Your Body by the black eyed peas. always gets me grooving!!!

  31. Incredible giveaway… And congrats on your hit count. But don’t you think it’s time to start working on a book format of suggested menus?

    Best diet site recipes on the web

  32. Congratulations! A while ago i did a post and attached my current favorite motivational song. Well, I went thru all my music again and it is still my Numero uno favorite motivational song.

    “The power to Be,
    The power to Give,
    The power to See…”

    “Suddenly I See” by KT Tunstall

  33. Oops, i was just trying to leave a link. Sorry.

  34. My new favourite song is Wavin’ Flag by K’Naan, it just gets me moving every time I hear it.

    Great giveaway!!! Congrats on coming so far with your blog.

  35. […] stand. Now, i just need to change my cell phone alarm to something that starts with music. Today Biz is doing a giveaway and all you have to do is leave your favorite motivational song. Well, my favorite is still […]

  36. Bad Romance-Lady Gaga

  37. What an amazing giveaway!

    My song: So Hott by Kid Rock

  38. Biz – you are just the cutest! 🙂 What a lovely tribute to the year, your blog, and your friends! 🙂 So glad you are around to share some hot sauce love with me! I still have my fingers crossed so hard that I’ll get to meet you at FitBloggin!

  39. Congrats, you are SO SWEET!! Glad I found you too and my favorite song for inspiration…”Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey!!!

  40. What an amazing giveaway. My favorite song is “Cowboy Take Me Away” by the Dixie Chicks. I love listening to it when I run. It’s just a song about freedom and letting go. For some reason it just makes me run longer and harder.

  41. I love your blog! It is definitely a favorite of mine…

    My favorite inspirational song especially when running is “The Final Countdown”

  42. Congrats on all of the hits! Both J and I enjoyed meeting you, and we hope that we can do it again soon! He gets a kick when I throw in the conversation that Biz says Hi!

    My inspirational song for the gym, Outkast’s “Bombs Over Baghdad”. Definitely gets me moving!

  43. CONGRATS!!! That’s fantastic! How very exciting. I don’t have an all time favorite, but right now it’s Nickleback’s “If Today Was Your Last Day”

    “My best friend gave me the best advice
    He said each day’s a gift and not a given right
    Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind
    And try to take the path less traveled by
    That first step you take is the longest stride”

    “Against the grain should be a way of life
    What’s worth the price is always worth the fight
    Every second counts ’cause there’s no second try
    So live like you’re never living twice
    Don’t take the free ride in your own life”

    and it’s more for life… not just working out 🙂

  44. My fave pump me up song is Single Ladies, but I think that’s too predictable 🙂

  45. Woo hoo. Congrats on your 200,000 page views. That’s awesome!

    My favorite workout song is A Better Son/Daughter by Rilo Kiley.

  46. 200,000 page views is amazing! Congrats!
    How does that work? I read you through my Google Reader, and only ‘click through’ if I want to comment or read the comments. Does it automatically count subscriptions as page views? I’m so confused LOL
    Favorite motivational song? Hmm maybe It’s Raining Men?

  47. congrats on 200,000 page views! wow!
    my fave workout song is metric’s “combat baby” or outkast’s “hey ya”

  48. That is an AMAZING accomplishment! your blog is wonderful so it does not surprise me that so many people love you =)

    Right now my fave song is Maniac from Flash Dance!

  49. Congrats on the pageviews!! I remember Tony’s guest post 🙂

    My favorite “pump me up” song is “Jessica” by the Allman Brothers 🙂

  50. great giveaway and congrats on the 200,000 hits! such an accomplishment! I’m still waiting to hit that number, and it’s been over two years! eek!

  51. Julie Andrews, “A Few of My Favorite things..” I always makes me smile…along with any of the old New Kids on the Block songs…lol

  52. Congrats on all your blog success! Sounds like a great giveaway. I have so many favorite songs but the one that just inspires me is actually Miley Cyru’s The Climb. I really love it.

    Oh that mac and cheese looks yummy!

  53. My favorite song is When Love Takes Over (feat. Kelly Rowland) by David Guetta. It’s one of the songs they play at Jazzercise class and every time I hear it I get all perked up with tons of energy. Love your blog and thanks for the giveaway!

  54. Congrats!!!!

    Whenever I get emotional, I put on some christina aguilera. The lyrics are powerful and uplifting to me and it always keeps me going!

    Thanks for the giveaway! Love the blog

  55. Congrats on the 200,000 hits! Just found your blog today and will be returning. The song that gets me moving recently is Sarah Vaughan singing Peter Gunn Theme, more the beat than the words.

  56. Right now, I am loving TI’s “Live Your Life” but I have tons of favorite songs!

    Congrats on your 200,000 page view – yours is one of the first ones I visit everyday & I love getting inspired from your recipes & your happy attitude 🙂

    Happy Friday!

  57. One of my favorites is “All the Single Ladies” by Beyonce. Whenever I hear that, I start thinking through the dance – then I’m sure that one of these days I’m going to kill myself on the treadmill, actually trying to do the dance. Lol.

  58. Wow, great giveaway!! 😀 Congrats on your 200k — that’s awesome!

    My one of my favorite songs is Frank Sinatra – My Way, that’s how I like to do things; my way. 🙂

    That mac and cheese looks amazzzzzzzing! Especially with ‘basco 🙂


  59. wow! great giveaway! ha, when I’m working out I actually like listening to Shakira songs!

  60. Oh wow…. So many amazing stories!! I like these blog environment too, so many encouraging stories and so much about healthy living :0D

    The mac and cheese is such a comfort food , they really really yummy 😀

    thanks again for the fiber food advice ! have a nice weekend!

  61. well well well, you have truly outdone yourself this time lady! This is the hugest giveaway I’ve ever seen! I’m totally gonna share this post with my readers!

    I love the fact that you linked back to other blogs, calling them your friends. This whole blogging world really truly has become a community of friends! I consider you a friend and am so glad we found each others blogs! CONGATULATIONS on such an amazing accomplishment!

  62. Congrats Biz that is sooo amazing!! And hilarious about hannah and the type A-ness, i’m the saaaame way, but wouldn’t mind still having a shuffle! 😀 I really like trendy upbeat songs, right now Ke$ha’s Tik Tok song is a great one!

  63. Wow! I have enjoyed your blog very much!

    I like any songs that have a strong beat to keep me going. Lady Gaga is one of my workout favs right now!

  64. Go the Distance by Michael Bolton!

  65. Hi Biz! I’m catching up on blogs after spending the entire day yesterday at the spa. Can you say ahhhhhh? I don’t know if you’re even old enough to remember this song but my theme song is “She’s A Bad Mamma Jamma” It started when I was training for my last marathon. I always need something to keep me motivated in the last 6.2 miles and that song did it for me. Whenever I feel old and frumpy all I had to do is play that song and I’m reminded that even if I am almost 50 years old I can kick some marathon tail! BTW did you see my Muffuletta post? Or maybe you did see it and my attempt at food blogging was so bad you didn’t want to say anything.

  66. Sting’s – Shape of My Heart has been my favorite song for three years now and is very inspirational for me.

    And congrats on reaching 200,000+!!! That’s great and I can’t wait to keep on reading! 🙂

  67. Oh my gosh…that mac n’cheese looks absolutely amazing!

    Wow – if I had to say one song, I would say “Chariots of Fire.” I know – super cheesy! But it pushes me through the end of the workout, and it reminds me of “Mr. Mom.” 😉

  68. Oh my gosh! This giveaway looks fantastic, I’m loving the spiffy looking nutritional scale.

    My favorite song for giving my some extra workout motivation is What’s Your Fantasy by Ludicris and Sexy Bitch by David Guetta.. lol. They’re catchy. 🙂

  69. I have a ton of songs, but right now I’m loving Matchbox 20’s “How Far We’ve Come”.

  70. Wow, what an incredible giveaway! I love Nelly Furtado, Pink, Fergie… strong women songs to get me going. Lately it’s been “Maneater” by Nelly Furtado.

  71. Woohoo, what an awesome giveaway! I’ve been wanting a kitchen scale for ages but alas, am too cheap to buy one for myself. I really really really hope I win. I love the song “Unpretty” by TLC. I know it’s totally old school, but when I’m feeling down about myself, I listen to that song and it makes me have a good cry and move on.

  72. Congrats on that milestone! 🙂

    I don’t have a particular favorite song, but one that gets stuck in my head now is that Tik Tok song – it’s got a catchy beat!

  73. Congrats on the 200,000 + views. I like Adam Lambert’s song Whataya want from me. It’s like I am asking myself this question What do I want from myself.

  74. Congratulations on all the page views!

    I don’t have a specific song I go to. It is whatever I am listening to at that particular moment!

  75. wow! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway! My fave current song workout is Crazy by Pitbull. Love it, love it, love it. I also like Halftime by The Ying Yang Twins.

  76. i love anything by kari jobe for inspiration!
    this is an incredible giveaway!!! thanks for the opportunity….just when my ipod shuffle is about to give way…and a food scale will help my husband and i out a lot!

  77. How did I almost miss this giveaway!

    My song is “Machine Head” by Bush! “Breath in, breath out.”

  78. […] Biz is having an AWESOME giveaway in honor of her 200,000th hit on her blog! Go here to win a cookbook, cooking magazine, an awesome food scale, and…an iPod […]

  79. Hi I just found my way over here after Nicole anounced your giveaway on her post this morning. I really enjoyed today’s post……before reading about the prizes..seriously! I’m going to bookmark you and keep up.

    My favorite song lately is “Ride Forever” sung by Paul Gross. It was a song on an episode of Due South.

  80. […] Comments Lovely Giveaway! « Preventionrd's Blog on 200,000+ Views = Awesome Giveaway!Nicole on 200,000+ Views = Awesome Giveaway!~liz on 200,000+ Views = Awesome Giveaway!Ron […]

  81. What a wonderful giveaway! Happy 200,00 + views AND my fave song is…”Every New Day” by Five Iron Frenzy.

  82. That mac and cheese looks awesome! One song that always get me through that final push is “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen…haha
    Congrats on the 200,00+ views! I’ll be following along from now on.

  83. What a wonderful giveaway this is. Thank you so much. Congrats on all those views. WOW!!

    A song that inspires me at the moment? Let’s see…

    “Tik Tok” by Kesha really makes me pumped these days or “Bad Romance” by Lady GaGa. 🙂

    Any chance (if you haven’t yet) you could check out this post and enter the giveaway? It would mean a TON for my family (full details there):


  84. Congrats on 200K hits – how exciting! One of my favorite songs to run to is Gotta Get Through This by Daniel Bedingfield – yep, I’m into Eurodance 🙂

  85. Great giveaway! You go girl, cause that’s a lot of views. My song that gives me inspiration is really anything that is a camp song since it reminds me of great friends and great times.

  86. Thanks so much for the opportunity! My favorite song that motivates me would be Stronger by Kanye..even though I’m kind of against him now from the Taylor Swift incident 🙂

  87. I’m so late to get to this post because of work but I wanted to thank you for your kind words! I’m glad that I don’t annoy you with my repetitve eats, haha 😉

    HUGE CONGRATS to getting 200,000 views!! Your recipes are one thing that I love about your blog so there’s not doubt in my mind you’ll double that number very soon.

    Good songs to run to – Timbaland put out a new CD in December that is a bunch of duets and it’s fantastic!

  88. I just discovered your blog, though your sister’s, and I love it! I get the most pumped up to exercise when I hear the opening notes to “Gonna Fly Now”…the theme to Rocky (incidentally, my favorite movie)…it’s so inspiring!

  89. Congratulations on 200,000 views!! I always love reading your blog because of your awesome and delicious recipes! A lot of bloggers have the same ol’ sweet potato, salad, yogurt type of food going for them everyday, but you make your food so interesting and I like how you change it up. =)

    My favorite inspiring song has to be “Mad World” by Tears for Fears..that song just gets me pumped up to tackle the day and as a college student trying to get into medical school, I need that.

    Awesome job with the blog and what an amazing giveaway! That food scale looks amazing. I have a cheap manual one that I use for baking and things (major baker here!) but it doesn’t compare.

  90. Congratulations!!! I just found your blog and am enjoying it. There are so many songs to choose from, but I am going to go with “Eye of the Tiger”.

  91. Awesome giveaway! Right now I’ve been listening to anything by Lady Gaga to get through the day!

  92. Right now it is “brick by boring brick” by Paramore… but it changes almost daily!

  93. Any Taylor Swift song is great to get me through my day, especially Fearless 🙂

  94. […] Comments Sagan on Happy V. Day, Old Stoppin Grounds and BSI – Lemon Zest!Ashlei on 200,000+ Views = Awesome Giveaway!The Candid RD on Happy V. Day, Old Stoppin Grounds and BSI – Lemon Zest!Twix on Happy V. […]

  95. You know how much I love your blog 🙂

    Congrats on your successes and this is an amazing giveaway!

  96. I’m in a Michael Jackson kinda mood lately. I always flip Thriller on at the end of my workout to make it through.

  97. This is an AWESOME giveaway, Biz! Congrats on so many views, that is amazing!

    I love the song “Stronger,” by Kanye West. I know it’s older and a cliche workout song, but it always gets me going! 🙂

  98. Right now… Fire Burning by Sean Kingston. Somehow I can always run just a little farther with that song on. 🙂

  99. Stronger by Daft Punk gets me in the groove!


  100. Congrats girl! My favorite song is Heaven by Tiesto. It is a great workout song with a fast beat!

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