Green Eggs and Ham

Yesterday’s breakfast was so simple and good – it baked in the oven while I was getting ready for work.

In the bottom of a 4 inch ramekin, I layered one ounce of cut deli ham, one cup of baby spinach, 1/2 cup of egg whites and then put a slice of pepper jack cheese on top.  I baked it at 350 for 20 minutes until the cheese was nice and melted and the eggs were set. Updated:  This is 5 PointsPlus Weight Watcher Points – nice! 😀

I just put this in a ziploc bag after it cooled a bit and then reheated it when I got to work.  On the side was 2 ounces of the best bread ever with 1 tsp. no sugar added peanut butter and a sliced honeycrisp on the side.  Breakfast comes in at 459 calories.

While it was cold yesterday, the sun was shining and my friend was able to walk with me.  But by the time we got outside, it had turned overcast – not sure what the wind chill was but the high was only 32 degrees – but we walked for 50 minutes outside! I don’t know what it is, but after being outside at lunch I just have a way more productive afternoon! 😀

I haven’t had my stir fry in a while so I had 1 package of yaki soba noodles (only 150 calories for a 5.5 ounce package!), 4 ounce bean sprouts, 2 ounce red pepper, 4 ounce broccoli, 2 ounce carrots and 3 ounces of shrimp.  My sauce is House of Tsang Sczechwan (sp?) – so spicy and only 25 calories a tablespoon – and 2 tablespoons is usually enough.

this whole plate is only 419 calories!

I cook the veggies first, then add the shrimp the last few minutes - so tender and not overcooked!

My snack for the day – this package of almonds.  I’ve read that eating almonds every day can lower cholesterol.  While this package is 250 calories, I split it up between a morning and afternoon snack, so 125 calories a snack.  Best part? CVS had these packages on sale for .25 each!!  I snagged the last that they had, about 12 bags.

I got a steal on sirloin steak at the store – it was on sale for $1.99 a pound!  This giant steak only cost $5.25!  And goes better with steak than shrimp?!   I love shrimp scampi – who doesn’t, but Barefoot Contessa’s recipe calls for 12 tablespoons of butter!

All I did was melt 1 tablespoon of butter with garlic and added lemon zest and a bit of lemon juice.  I grilled the shrimp the last few minutes the steak was cooking then tossed the shrimp in the butter mixture, so you have the flavor of butter but not all the calories – so I ended up with 1/2 tablespoon of butter poured over my 4 ounce steak and 3 ounces of shrimp.

While I would prefer grilling outside (hopefully by the end of the month!) the next best thing is a cast iron grill pan.  Only problem is that it really smokes up the house – that’s okay – you know Biz is cooking when you can’t see the living room or the smoke detector goes off! 😀

I think Dave will approve of my grill marks!   He’s a blogger friend who moved to the Virgin Islands so I am a tad bit jealous he escaped all the snow!

I made salads on the side.  Are you surprised not to see a potato in some shape?!  No starch last night!  Besides Annie’s Goddess Dressing, this is my second favorite salad dressing:

3 cups chopped spinach, 1 chopped carrot and 4 ounces chopped English cucumber

I wrapped up the steak for 5 minutes before cutting – this was so tender and juicy!!  Simple salt and pepper – that’s all a good steak needs in my opinion.  I had a 4 ounce serving, Tony maybe had about 5 ounces and I still have about 6 ounces for leftovers!

nice and medium rare!

these shrimp were so good! Dinner was 435 calories

Hannah doesn’t like steak.  She asked what I had for lunch and when I showed her the picture of stirfry, she decided to make one for herself!  Can I just tell you what a proud Momma I am when I watch her chopping up veggies in the kitchen – I think I have prepared her cooking real food and not boxed mac n cheese!

Hannah's finished product!

When we were at the table, I asked her how it was and she kind of shrugged her shoulders and said “it’s okay.”  I asked “what’s wrong with it?” to which she replied “you didn’t make it!”  I guess Mom’s love was the missing ingredient 😀

Sorry for the delay in BSI but I cannot blame last weeks host.  She went to the Food & Wine South Beach Food & Wine Festival over the weekend!  She got to not only have unlimited food and drink, but got to rub shoulders with Food Network stars – how cool is that?!

So the next BSI Ingredient is going to be a challenge for me – and I may have to refer to my MIL who loves these:  brussel sprouts! Bonnie, if you read this I need one of your favorite brussel sprout recipes – and I promise to give it a try.  I’ve only had one brussel sprout in my life, so maybe it’s time to give them another try!

Sophia of Burp & Slurp is our hostess for this short BSI week – you have until Sunday night to submit a recipe to her.

I am also participating in “If you Bite It, you Write It” on Helen’s blog.  I do pretty well, except for the occasional hand in the peanut jar, so I will promise to write everything down!

Alright I am off to make my breakfast pizza for breakfast and finish putting together Pioneer Woman’s Best Lasagna Ever for dinner.  It should be fairly quick, I cooked the noodles last night while I was making dinner, now its a quick assemble and then just pop it in the oven when I get home.

Stats for Tuesday: 50 minute walk in sub-freezing weather (just trying to make it harder than it really was!)

Happy Hump Day!  See you tomorrow!

33 thoughts on “Green Eggs and Ham

  1. Love your breakfast! I’ll have to borrow that idea!

    Hope you’ll learn to love Brussels sprouts! They are awesome! 🙂

    Happy Wednesday! 🙂

  2. your egg dish is great – you always have such good ideas!

  3. Hey, that’s what the grill side of that pan is for! 😉

    I’ve had my pan for 4 years, but I’ve never used that side! Now I feel silly!

  4. I’ve never tried soba noodles, but your stir-fry makes me want to try some!

  5. Dang it, I was just reminded I had planned to make that bread yesterday and forgot…will have to do it today!

  6. Oh my gosh…your green eggs and ham look amazing! Definitely better than the pics in the book. 😉

    I’ve made P-Dub’s lasagna before….SO good! She sure knows her stuff. I want to live on her ranch and meet a cowboy!

  7. That steak looks so yummy. We were going to have steak last night, but had an unexpected Dr. appt so tonight it is! I’m excited now.

    And we loveeee that salad dressing too! It’s always in our fridge!

  8. Congrats on the non-ass-busting scampi! And I am so impressed with your little chef!

  9. I need to get some ramekins – your breakfast looks so good and easy to make! TJ Maxx, here I come!

    Oh, and that Newman’s Own dressing is my favorite – I have one bottle in the fridge and 2 on standby in my pantry, lol!

    Good on ya for getting your walk in that cold weather – you are an Ironwoman!!!

  10. Your breakfast sounds so good, I think I will have that for dinner tonight 🙂

  11. I’ve made The Pioneer Woman’s lasagna twice for family parties and its the best!

    Love your baked egg thingy!

  12. I love Newman’s Own Light Dressings – even picky hubby likes them. That breakfast ramekin is a great idea. I bet you could even make several of those and have them on hand to heat and eat. (Uh, can you tell I eat the same breakfast, a lot?)

  13. Thanks for doing ‘bite it, write it’ with me this month! 🙂

    Your green eggs & ham looks more appetizing than what I made the kiddos…at least to me. lol They really seemed to enjoy the green food dye.

    Another ‘A’ day! Woot!

    Have a great week,

  14. Yes I see that Dave is in the Virgin Islands for 6 months, wish I could be there for 6 months or even 6 years! The egg “tart” is the perfect breakfast and I need to do those more often since they are so filling and healthy. I also love to eat almonds since they are so good for us. Usually when I get that sinking feeling in the day I pop a handful of them and feel better.

  15. BIZ!! Did you know yesterday was Dr. Seuss’s birthday?? You celebrated with green eggs and ham!! 🙂

  16. That breakfast looks amazing and although I’m usually too time crunched in the morning to cook something I would definitely eat that for dinner! I think everyone in my house would love it.

  17. seriously, your breakfasts get me every time 🙂 now i want that for dinner!

  18. Definitely not the blog I should be reading with my new “get in shape” kick off for March. You should be very proud of those grill marks.



  19. Hannah did a great job with her stir-fry!

    What an amazing deal on that steak. Yum.

    You win the best breakfasts award! 🙂

  20. Yaki soba noodles are only 150 calories for a 5.5 ounce package?!?! SCORE! I need to locate some! I’m not having luck with ingredients lately…I went to FOUR stores tonight to look for calamari and NONE OF THEM had it! What the heck! I miss the big city during times like that! Any ideas on where would be a good place to look for the Yaki noodles?

    You are one proud mama because you should be!! Your relationship with Hannah comes across so much like my mom’s and my relationship and that’s a really, really good thing! 🙂

  21. Love your green eggs and ham!! So fun and seemingly quick/easy!! Thanks for the idea. All your eats today are delicious!
    Great job on the 50 minute walk. When the sun is shining, there is truly nothing better!
    Have a great Thursday!

  22. i’m madly in love that that breakfast! i’m always looking for ways to use the ramekin!

  23. Wheee! Thanks for the shout-out, biz! Big hugs to you! 🙂

    I adore green eggs and ham…and I heard that it was Dr Seuss’s birthday not too long ago! Haha!

  24. The green eggs and ham looks fabulous! My kids are celebrating Dr Seuss’s birthday tomorrow night a school.

  25. Sweet and Fit

    those stats on the soba noodles are amazing! and your grill marks are so pretty!

    you won my giveaway – e-mail me your info!

  26. beautiful grill marks indeed

  27. Delicious looking dinner as always!

    Good for Hannah – I will never thank my parents enough for letting me learn on my own & teaching me to cook so I wasn’t eating boxed macaroni and cheese through college! I love cooking!

  28. your breakfast looks delicious and gorgeous! i’ll have to bookmark… thank you for sharing!

  29. Can you teach my mom to cook steak? I love mine medium rare, but never do I get it served that way, mostly because the rest of the family likes their’s more cooked (silly people).

  30. Those shrimpies look GREAT!!!! Yum.
    And I get the same way when Colin picks veggies or fruit for a snack – it makes me so proud! 🙂

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