Weekly WI and Mortadella and Fig Focaccianini

When I went to bed last night, Tony asked me how I thought my WI would go today and I said “I’ll be happy if I didn’t gain more than 3 pounds.”

Guess what?

I am a loser!  I did have a couple great 5k’s this week – both 35 minutes.  I have a plan this week, and my workout plans – I am going to have a great week!

Here is the picture of my turkey burrito from yesterday – it was so good!  And if you are wondering, that’s hot sauce all over the top, not enchilada sauce. 😀

So I am not sure how many of you have seen the new show on Food Network of the Sandwich King, winner of the next food network star.  Both of the dishes he made were added to my “must make” pile.   First was his take on an Italian Beef with homemade hot giardiniera (making that this week) and the other sandwich he made was a Mortadella and Fig Focaccianini – a cross between a foccacia sandwich and a panini.

You can find both recipes here.  Tony picked up some stuff at the store for me yesterday in anticipation of my sisters birthday party we are hosting tomorrow.  He said “I have a surprise for dinner!”  And while you might be thinking “aw, that’s so sweet that he’s thought and making dinner for Biz!”  Think again – he and I both know he did that so he wouldn’t have to have Party Pizza Friday!

But it didn’t matter that I didn’t get pizza last night.  These grilled sammies were to die for – the creamy fattiness of the mortadella, the sweetness from the fig paste and the saltiness of the butter used on the bread.  Sadly, Tony thought this was a healthy dinner – my guess is that it comes in around 20 pounds, but worth the indulgence.

I loved the salty/sweet combo in this sandwich.  And there is plenty of fig paste left – not sure what I am going to do with it yet though.

Today we are going to a flea market!  Check it out here.  I will probably drive Tony nuts because I like to look and touch EVERYTHING! 😀  Then its prepping for my SIL’s Mexican fiesta birthday party tomorrow.  On the menu:

How does that sound??  I seriously could have Mexican food every day and never get sick of it. 😀  Plus there will be leftovers – I see breakfast burritos in my future next week. 😀

Enjoy your Saturday – we have gorgeous Chicago weather – hope all our East Coast friends will survive hurrican Irene unscathed!

18 thoughts on “Weekly WI and Mortadella and Fig Focaccianini

  1. Loving the sandwich king, we are making his giardiniera this weekend too. You can still have your pizza, use the fig paste with goat cheese and prosciutto on your pizza dough. I am actually making that for dinner on Sunday. Great job on the weigh in.

    • OMG, Jacky – best pizza idea EVER! I just made a 13 point huge pizza for my lunch today – perfect balance of sweet, salty, crispy crust – I am going to post the recipe tomorrow – thanks for a great idea!

  2. So glad the sandwiches were good! I cant wait ti see his show! And way to rock the weigh in

  3. What a relief at your weigh-in! 🙂

    I am all over that cilantro lime rice – bookmarking that recipe. Have fun with the fiesta – I love Mexican food!

  4. Love that sandwich! I haven’t caught the sandwich king show yet, but definitely snagging those recipes – both sound like keepers!!
    Congrats on losing this week! 🙂

  5. Great job with the weight loss!! 🙂

    I LOVE sweet/salty combos, as well. That sandwich looks divine!

  6. Way to go on the weigh-in!!!!! That’s awesome news.

    I love figs, I bet that sandwich was out of this world good.

    I want to come to that fiesta. The food made me hungry!!! Have a great weekend 🙂

  7. Great job on your weigh in!!!
    That sandwich sounds amazing. I love figs and cheese together. That sounds incredible.

  8. Yeah, for being a loser! 🙂

    Awesome sandwich. (And I love the pizza idea from the first commenter!!!) I’ll have to check out that show!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  9. The Sandwich King show is already on tv down there? BAH! I wonder how long it will take before Food Network Canada starts airing it. I really like Jeff, and seeing as I love a good sandwich, I bet it would be a great show. I wish Vic could have gotten a show as well, because he was awesome.

  10. Isn’t it funny that when you feel really heavy the scale says something totally different? Woo Hoo!

  11. I agree, I could eat mexican every day of the week as well. I love that menu and I may just crash the party!

  12. I love how you accidentally said 20 pounds instead of points!

    I never really knew what mortadella was before seeing that show – I don’t know if I would like it? It looks good though 🙂

    Great job on the weight loss!

  13. melissalikestoeat

    I love Mexican food too! My husband is obsessed with it. He once said: “You know how crack addicts are addicted to crack? Well, I am addicted to Mexican food.”

  14. Yeah for the weight loss! All that starting over each day really does work. : ) That sandwich looks amazing.

  15. Rachel Palmieri

    Hooray for the nice scale numbers! I love Mexican as well….Dave doesn’t though. But we both love that chipotle lime rice you are making this week! It’s not bad with brown rice if you want to make it even healthier!

  16. YAY! That’s amazing, Biz!! 🙂

  17. Chris always jokes that I must be 1/2 Mexican, as I could eat Mexican food every night…and for lunch too! I’m going to try throwing together a fig paste of my own…yum!

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