Can I have a Two Hour Lunch Every Day?

Knowing I was going out to lunch yesterday with my bosses, to keep the birthday calories to  a minimum, I had another breakfast parfait.  Did you know that 1 tsp. of brown sugar has zero points?  I sauteed apples and banans in 1 tsp. of brown sugar sprayed with Pam, then layered my Honey Chobani (4) with the apples and bananas (0) with 1/3 cup of granola (3).

We went to a place called Millrose that had outdoor seating.  So weird that on March 20 we were sitting outside like it was the middle of summer – the temps were in the mid-80’s!  I am the queen of scoping out menus before eating out.  Tony always shakes his head when I do. 😀  But here’s how my mind works.  I first look over the menu to see what the healthy options are.  At first glance I thought “I could have the shrimp cocktail with a side of seasonal vegetables.”  But then I look at the sandwiches and see they have a trio of mini sliders – meatball, pulled bbq pork and a cheddar burger.  YUM!  The Angel Biz is sitting on one shoulder telling me I should get the healthy option, while The Devil Biz on the other shoulder kept saying “get the mini sliders – you love pulled pork and balls!”

In the end I somewhat compromised, although when I came back and put my lunch into eTools, my turkey burger and 1/3 of the fries I ate came in at 15 points. 😦   I didn’t have my camera with me and my blackberry picks didn’t turn out – thanks Google images!  It was a nice, relaxing lunch and we were gone nearly two hours.  Let’s just say your afternoon goes by a bit faster after a 2 hour lunch!  And they got me a gift card to Bed Bath & Beyond – I love that store! 😀

It’s funny but when I work out, I seem to make better choices initially.  But later in the day I’ll think “hey, I just biked 9 miles, I’ll have a few handfuls of Cheez-Itz!”  I haven’t worked out sincelast Fridayand I am beginning to feel sluggish because of it.

Since I had so much flank steak leftover from my birthday dinner, I decided to make a taco salad with baby tacos.  I just chopped up some flank steak and heated it up with some taco seasoning.  My plate: spinach salad with cilantro, carrots, cucumbers (0) with dressing that was 1 tablespoon ranch (1), 1 tablespoon taco sauce (0) and 1 tablespoon salsa (0).  Then my baby tacos were three mini corn tortillas (3), 3 ounces of flank steak (3), 1 slice of American cheese divided between the three tacos (2), taco sauce (0) and sliced jalapenos (0).  The tacos were cooked in a touch of olive oil, so I am counting 1 point for the oil – all together this plate came in at 9 points.

So after dinner I’d already calculated that I’d had 33 points.  While Hannah and I were catching up on last weeks Biggest Loser, I decided “what the hell, I’ve already had 33 points, I may as well have some cheese and crackers!”  I stopped myself after 5 points.  WTF?   Just as I am capable of continuing to make good choices, the opposite is also true, so I need to nip this in the bud.  Today is Wednesday, I have 3 days to kick it into gear before Saturday’s WI.  Cheerleaders are welcome! 😀

Don’t forget this weeks BSI is Breakfast!  Leave me a link to a breakfast recipe, or email me the link at  If you don’t have a blog you can just send me the recipe to my email address and I’ll post it for you.  This week’s prize is Emeril Lagasse’s Farm to Fork Cookbook:

Does anyone still have leftover corned beef?  Check out this recipe for a Reuben Puff Redux – blogger Bonnie got this from an old Chicago Tribune article.  I don’t like mayo but may sub in some Greek yogurt – they look amazing!

Alright my gym clothes are packed and I am just about to put my food together for the day – all healthy and delicious.  I wish the devil Biz would just stay off my shoulder! 😀

20 thoughts on “Can I have a Two Hour Lunch Every Day?

  1. Glad you enjoyed the lunch! What a fantastic dinner! I so so want! I hear you…I will have days where I eat really great and then get too sneaky at night

  2. Tell Devil Biz to take my devil with her!

  3. Banish that devil Biz and bring on the strong and healthy Biz! 🙂

    Glad you had such a nice long birthday lunch, and how much fun are you gonna have at BB&B?!?

  4. Marcia @Frugal Healthy Simple

    You can do it!! I have the best luck when I don’t have the snack foods in my house or at my office. Like cheese and crackers. I had a big hankering for them last night while watching Biggest Loser also. But I totally resisted. Part of that is being pregnant and too lazy to get off the couch.

  5. You can do it, you can do it, just put your mind to it.. RAH RAH GO BIZ!! (said in a cheerleader voice)

  6. How nice that you got to have such a lovely long lunch! I expect you to get your act together for the next 3 days. I mean it!

  7. Our Christmas luncheon is the only long lunch I get and I love it too. It was in the 80’s here too so nice to sit outside this time of year, what a treat! Boot that Devil Biz to the curb and continue doing good like you know you can! 🙂 That reuben looks awesome!

  8. You can do this Biz! The birthday festivities are over. You had fun and now it’s time to get down to bizness (sorry I couldn’t resist!). Think about those summer races you mentioned. Get your running shoes out and hit the road. You can do this! Go girl!!

  9. The devil Biz has good taste, at least-lol! I bet Tony liked reading about your love for balls-haha. I totally understand the all or nothing attitude, I think a lot of us get that way when we make one bad choice, we throw in the towel and call the day a loss. Unfortunately, that can lead to more days and for me, it’s now been about two weeks. Time for us both to get over it and move on-lol.

  10. 80*, wow! We had some snow yesterday and this morning too! It’s grilling weather today though, 44* and some sun!
    We need to have an exorcism for your devil Biz! Your dinner looks good, so the angel won out there! 🙂
    I check out the menus too, I like to narrow it down to a few options!

  11. It is actually warmer in PA where my sister is than here in AZ. I am glad you were able to enjoy your lunch, but now it is time to get back on track 😉 That is my best cheerleading.

  12. Lunch when your bosses are paying is a great excuse to indulge :). I would much rather have some of what I really want than all of what I don’t want!

  13. You have some amazingly nice bosses. 🙂

    And checking the menu before we go out is the only way I will go out. I need to know what I can have that is low in sodium before I go b/c it isn’t usually listed on the menu and things marked “healthy choice” may be healthy for others, but they are always loaded with sodium which makes them not healthy for me.

    You know – I can’t believe I got more exercise than you the past four days. ME! Unheard of. You know that’s bad Bizzy, so you best hop back on your routine and catch up. heehee [yeah right] You wouldn’t want me coming up there and racing you, would you? I kid, I so, so kid.

    Good luck girlie!

  14. I am a big menu scoper prior to eating out. Part of it is making sure there are options that fit how we eat (veggie meals if it is a big corporate place), etc. The other part is fitting it into my day food wise. If I go hungry without having looked at the menu ahead of time, I am likely to get the first fried thing with cheese I can find.

  15. Nice job on the food choices. I’ve been making really, really sucky choices and paying the price, big time. Yuck! I so need to get back on track. I’ll be good for 2 days and then bad for 3. Love your salad/taco place. Looks incredible!

  16. Great celebrating! Your choices look delicious.

  17. Eating is a such a mental game, huh? I think we all have good days and days where we could have made better choices. I find again and again that it all comes down to my hydration level. If I’m well hydrated it doesn’t occur to me to be sneaky. BUT (and this is a huge ‘but’!) if I haven’t had enough water (or had too much water – don’t ask, this is a mystery), or had too much caffeine or alcohol I will binge eat until I fix the hydration level. Anyway, enough rambling. I know you can do it because you inspire me every day! 🙂

  18. Happy belated birthday! I am a menu scoper as well. Sounds like you had a grrreat lunch.

  19. Again a multi comment comment

    1- you can do it!!!!!!!
    2- I mailed the prize today (sorry it took so long – the poodle is an ass who tried to die on me)
    3- I SO joined in on this weeks bsi – working on the post (including the picture of the smoke alarm after I took out the batteries because it wouldn’t shut up because I suck at cooking)

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